Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Water of Mexico

As many of you know, when traveling to the country Mexico you should always be careful of the tap water that you may be drinking. If you were not aware of this fact, keep reading because in the end it will keep you away from a horrible 24-48 hour sickness. The water of Mexico is contained of many single cell organisms which can be harmful to body's that are not used to it, these organisms are referred to as parasites. These parasites are used to being swallowed by humans they actually even like it. In the end they will use the body as a home and make the person ill for at least 24-48 hours. The symptoms include violent vomiting, diarrhea and sometimes a fever. The story behind this parasite infested drinking water is referred to as the "Montezumas's Revenge". Montezuma would rudely repay his visitors from Spain with this horrible illness. Ways to prevent this is to obviously not drink the tap water from Mexico. Also if you are going to get water at a resturaunt order a sealed bottle. Another is to be careful when ordering ice cubes in your drinks. When brushing teeth and washing face use bottles of water.

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