Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Illegal Immigration

This will be my last blog for the semester which is sad, but this last blog should be very interesting. As you all may know illegal immigration in Mexico is huge problem we have been faced with for awhile. There are pros and cons to each economy due to illegal immigration which would include Mexico's economy and America's economy. The busiest border is between San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico. Many cars and trucks are lined up to cross the border to enter the United States. Also there are people on the Mexican side of the border waiting to see the border agents to lose attention. There are more people as the day goes on including children women and men waiting to cross the border illegally. Most of the time illegal immigrants will enter the United States and stay after their legal visas are expired. Eventually they will find a place to live and find work, but they will defiantly not be free forever from being caught.

The economies of each country do have their pros to illegal immigration and cons. Some of the pros for America include a good source for cheap labor. The reason they take cheap labor is due to the lack of their paperwork. Some cheap labor jobs would include garment factories, manual laborers and harvesting crops. Cons for the America would be the they cost the economy more money in taxes. The strain of the overpopulation would be considered a pro for Mexico's economy with illegal immigration. I hope you have learned a lot from my blog about Mexico and you can use it in one of your trips to this amazing country!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the advantage of illegal immigration for businesses (cheap labor). But, illegal immigrants taking jobs that would normally go to legal citizens only hurts those who are "playing by the rules" so to speak.
