Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Drug Trafficking in Mexico

The blog for this week, is going to focus on the problem of the illegal drug trade in Mexico. Although Mexico is not the producer of the illegal drugs, it is a prime transport route to the United States. Many smugglers go through the border and even along the east and west coasts of Mexico's sea routes. According to Council on Foreign Relations, in 2006 the president of Mexico sent thousands of troops to subdue the drug related violence. Also 90 percent of the cocaine that is brought into the United States goes through Mexico. There are at least 116 million vehicles that come through the Canada and Mexico border smuggling illegal drugs into the United States. The Mexican border is the primary place where the cocaine is entered into the United States acordding to Almanac of Policy Issues.

A big threat to the United States is Mexican Heroine. This drug has been around for decades and is becoming more and more of a trouble for the U.S. Also Mexican Marijuana has been smuggled into the United States since the 1970's. This drug is smuggled in vehicles of different kinds, some including commercial vehicles, trucks, vans and even mobile homes. Bigger loads of this drug is smuggled in tractor-trailers. And sometimes is imported through boats through the coast of Mexico and dropped off on the ports of the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. This was interesting to read even tho it isn't over a pleasant topic. It's unfortunate to read about how drugs plays such a big role in some of these countries! Good post though!
