Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mexico's Exports and Imports

For this weeks blog I'm going to talk about the leading imports and exports of Mexico. The definition of import is to bring in merchandise, commodities, etc. from foreign countries for use or sale. An export is to ship merchandise, commodities, etc to other countries for sale, exchange, etc. As I have said before in my previous blogs, the U.S. is one of Mexico's top exporters and importers. According to Foreign Trade Statistics, Mexico exported $198.3 billion dollars worth of merchandise in 2006. That is 16.5% more merchandise than the year 2005. Some of the leading exports to the U.S. are crude oil, car parts, computers, engines and parts and other goods.

In 2006 $134.2 billion dollars worth of merchandise had been imported to U.S. from Mexico. Some of the leading imports are plastics, car parts, industrial machines, and other goods. Other countries that are main import partners are Japan and China. China imports electromechanical equipment, household appliances, textiles and high-tech products. I hope I have enlightened you on some of the countries Mexico trades with and some of the materials that are imported and exported between countries.

1 comment:

  1. hey good post! I alway figured that mexico exported and imported alot with the U.S. It seems like everything you look at these days either says made in China or Mexico. I was very shocked when i read on your last blog that mexico is one of the biggest oil distributors in the world. I never knew that. Thanks for the knowledge!
