Saturday, March 27, 2010

History of Mexico

Well it has been awhile since my last blog update. This week I am going to catch everyone up on the history of Mexico and the reason it is one of the largest populated areas in the world. In the early beginning of Mexico's ancient history came from the Olmecs. They worshiped a jaguard God, and built many cities. There are a lot of other little groups that followed the Olmecs, some are the Maya's, Aztec's, Teotihuacan's and many more.The start of it all came from Cortes conquering Mexico and founded the biggest Spanish colony that lasted for 300 years. The Independence from Spain was received on September 16, 1810, which is now considered a holiday for all Mexicans called "Dia de la Independencia". During the time that Mexico was experimenting with a democracy run government, it was interrupted with the invasion of the French. What triggered this invasion was the disagreement of the present monarchy based governemnt who was the Austrian emperor. In 1867 he was overthrown and executed. The PRI (the Partido Revolucionario Institutuional ) was a single political party in 1928. These PRi canidates are hand picked by the president. The first non PRI canidate was in 1997 and he was elected as mayor.
As for the overpopulation of Mexico, there are many effects to it. This could impose social, pollution, and economic problems. One of the effects is, unemployment. As a result of this some will not be able to support their own families. As for the economic problem, some effects are the shortages of public services. Shortages of water and food will cause starvation of many Mexicans. There also isn't enough teachers or schools for children. Also hospitals which keep people safe and healthy. Pollution is a huge problem in the country of Mexico, the overpopulated country causes much traffic from public transoprts and cars. As a result pollution can cause diseases which have a chance of not being cured because of the shortages of public services, which include hospitals.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Business in Mexico

For week 7 of my blog about Mexico I'm going to be talking about the businesses in Mexico. In the business world of Mexico, Mexican people make friends first, then do business. They think a relationship should be developed first. Closing a deal over the phone in any business in Mexico isn't likely, most Mexicans like to look people in the eye when closing a deal. This goes back to having a personal relationship before doing business. The meeting formats of Mexican businesses aren't anything like the U.S.'s, there are no checklists or orderliness. Also when doing business in Mexico, producers need to think about what the Mexican consumers really love. When launching a new product to consumers, they like the touchy feely type of promotions. This would include the in store samples, the free trial packets or even free gifts. Television, radio and billboards are the more popular type of advertisements just like the U.S.

Many businesses in Mexico have different hours. Offices are usually from 8am-5pm, factories usually have 24 hour shifts, and banks are from usually 8am-7pm according to Their lunch breaks are very different from the U.S., their lunch breaks are anywhere from 1pm-4pm. Why so late you ask? Its because of the differences in the time they eat. Lunch is more of like a lunch/dinner to us. Dinner usually doesn't take place until at least 9pm. Being on time isn't something to be wrapped up in, in Mexico. Most timing in Mexico is considered to be very flexible even in business. Last, but not least the dress code in Mexican business. Many Mexican business persons will dress in suits and ties. I hope my post as given you some idea of the way business is run in the country of Mexico. Until next week!